


The Treewalking Dashboard uses a set of well-defined Classes to describe the structure of the organisation. These data items are then declared either by a Markdown page, or via a data extraction script. Usually, Markdown files represent data that changes at a glacial pace, i.e. squad names and membership, etc, while other types of data is more real-time thus is extracted using automated scripts, i.e. Sprint/Kanban metrics, Availability, etc.

For each of these Classes, we’ll indicate the data type, i.e. manual vs automation.

classDiagram Tribe Proposition Product Service Component Squad Individual Role Skill Stack Platform Increment Sprint Review Standard Process Decision Pattern Tribe o-- "*" Proposition : owns Proposition o-- "*" Service : composed_of Proposition o-- "*" Product : composed_of Service o-- "*" Component : composed_of Service --> "*" Product : delivers Tribe o-- "*" Squad : membership Squad o-- "*" Individual: membership Individual --> "1" Role: is_a Individual --> "*" Skill : experienced_in Squad --> "*" Service: owns Service --> "*" Stack: uses Tribe o-- "*" Increment: planned_by Stack <|-- Platform Stack <|-- MicroService Stack <|-- FrontEnd Stack <|-- Storage Stack <|-- Messaging Increment o-- "*" Sprint : contains Sprint o-- "*" Review : ends_with Review --> "1" Squad Tribe o-- "*" Standard : has Tribe o-- "*" Process : has Tribe o-- "*" Decision : has Decision --> "*" Proposition : targets Decision --> "*" Squad : targets Decision --> "*" Service : targets Decision --> "*" Component : targets Decision --> "*" Stack : targets Decision --> "*" Standard : targets Decision --> "*" Process : targets Decision --> "*" Pattern : targets Decision --> "1" Increment : decided Decision --> "1..*" Individual : decider Tribe o-- "*" Pattern : has
Class Description Collection Layout
Tribe A delivery organisation focused on a set of related product propositions Manual Implicit. Part of the Site’s Jekyll Configuration
Proposition A grouping of related products and services that provide a common business objective Manual proposition
individual An individual member of the Tribe Manual  


A delivery organisation focused on a set of related product propositions.

The top-level class for the whole dashboard. The Tribe owns the majority of the other items in the Dashboard.

Data/Association Description
Title The name of the tribe


A grouping of related products and services that provide a common business objective.

We group a related set of products/services/assets into a Proposition so that we can organise our requirements, designs, squads, ownership and leadership for a set of common business and engineering outcomes. Its creates a high level business and engineering bounded context.

Data/Association Description
Title The name of the Proposition
Description The TL;DR description for the Proposition
Leads A list of Proposition Product and Engineering leadership Individual’s
Site URL to the Proposition’s micro-site




An individual member of the Tribe

This is a simple reference to an Individual](#individual) within the Tribe. It uses the Jekyll data source authors.yml.

Data/Association Description
Name The name of the Individual
Role The primary Role of the Individual
Summary Simple summary of the Individual
Image URL to the Individual’s thumbnail image
References List of references for the Individual